Income generation
PegaPoll is revolutionising the advertising market by offering new revenue streams through interactive polls and quizzes. Through our embedded ads, users are exposed to ads as they fill in, from which platform owners can earn commissions. This ensures that ads do not distract browsing while generating ongoing revenue.
Why choose PegaPoll?
Interactive and embedded advertising
Ads appear while users are completing polls, quizzes and questionnaires, so they naturally attract users' attention while they are actively consuming the content. All embedded ads earn a commission for the embedders, ensuring mutual benefits.
Targetable ads
Ads can be targeted to ensure that the most relevant ads are always shown to users at the most appropriate time.
A seamless browsing experience
PegaPoll's ads are integrated in a way that does not interfere with users' browsing experience.

How does it work?
Content embedding
You can easily embed PegaPoll polls, quizzes or surveys into your website, blog or platform. Once the content is embedded, the system automatically manages the display of the ads.
When users complete polls, quizzes or surveys, these ads are naturally integrated into the content. Users thus actively participate in the consumption of the content, while encountering the ads unnoticed.

You will also receive a commission for each completion. The PegaPoll system keeps track of the completions and automatically credits the commissions.
Browse results
When users browse the results, the ads will still appear. These ads can also be controlled so that relevant content is always displayed to users.
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Join us!
Join PegaPoll and start generating revenue through innovative and user-friendly methods. Increase your revenue and improve your user experience at the same time!